General Company Safety Philosophy and Policy
Many companies involved in construction have written safety plans for
individual safety topics, but few have an umbrella plan to summarize
overall safety philosophy, policy and procedures.
Riverside’s General Safety Philosophy, Policies and Procedures are
documented in written plans that provide information regarding safety
policies and procedures at this company. The safety director is responsible for updating these plans, which are maintained in the main office.
Riverside’s safety philosophy articulates the proactive safety attitude of
the company. The company is committed to complying with safety and
environmental laws and regulations established by:
- The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
- The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
- The DOT (Dept. of Transportation)
- MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration), and All other applicable federal, state and local safety and health regulations.
We believe that the safety of employees, along with quality, productivity
and cost control are the keys to our company’s success. We live by
these principles:
- The prevention of bodily injury and safeguarding of health are the first considerations in our workplace and are the responsibility of every employee at every level.
- All injuries and accidents are preventable through establishment and compliance with safe work procedures.
- Written safety plans describing the safe work practices and procedures for all workplace actions are an essential element of the overall work place safety program. All employees at every level are responsible for knowing and following the safety practices described in the written safety plans.
- Off the job, all employees should be similarly safe and demonstrate awareness of the consequences of their actions and behaviors.
- Riverside accepts the responsibility for leading the safety and
health program, assuring its effectiveness and promoting it
continuous improvement.
- Supervisors are responsible for exemplifying the proper attitudes toward safety and health, thereby fostering these attitudes in those they supervise.
- Employees are responsible for compliance with all rules and regulations and for continuously practicing safety while performing their duties.
- Riverside assures a drug free workplace.
Type of Writen Safely Plans in Place
To support our commitment to operate a safe work place, we have implemented the following written safety plans. These written safety plans provide guidance and direction for the safety issues they cover and meet the requirements mandated by OSHA and MSHA.
- Contractor Safety
- Emergency Action Plan
- Used Oil Management
- Lockout / Tagout
- Health & Safety Procedures
- Alcohol/Substance Abuse
- Permit Confined Space Entry
- Blood Bourne Pathogens
- Electrical Safety
- Emergency Action Plan
- Hazard Communication
- Site Specific Hazards
- Safety Awareness
- First Aid
- Machine Safety & Equipment
- Asbestos
- Housekeeping
- Fall Protection
- Fire Prevention / Protection
- Material Handling
- Confined Space
- Tool Safety